This test is for heavy vehicles
Class 3, which covers Code 10, Code 11, and Code 14.How should I use this Practice Test ?
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The K53 Learners Questions & Answers starts here:
The following test questions and answers are specific to Heavy Vehicles (Code 10, 11 and 14)

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- If you only travel at 35 km/h
- If the vehicle that is being towed is a semi-trailer
- Only if the vehicle that tows something is a tractor
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- Then there must be someone with you in the vehicle with the same driving license
- You are not allowed to drive on a freeway
- No passengers are allowed with you in the vehicle
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- Longer on a wet road than on a dry road
- Longer if the vehicle is travelling at a higher speed
- Longer if the vehicle is loaded
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The next section is on K53 road signs.
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